Today's classroom is comprised of countless students, all with very diverse learning styles. The teaching methods have undergone extreme change reflective of the makeup of the typical classroom. Teachers need to encounter and engage their students, with a certain ample opportunity to excel and thrive within their learning environment. A teacher can no longer just teach the curriculum. They must attempt to reach every student utilizing a variety of methods and strategies. Not all students are learn equally the same, some thrive through kinesthetic learning, tactile, rote, and multi-sensory approaches. So we must infuse all the above approaches and methods when teaching students. The classroom should be a place that is comfortable, and where all students feel confident. This will allow all students to potentially be able to appreciate the classroom dynamic, and adapt their learning styles to fit in with the curriculum, and like that every student will learn and be reached.
Small group instruction helps instructors reach the educational needs of each student. This type of differentiated instruction is beneficial because it allows student -specific instruction and it provides an environment where students feel comfortable to ask questions for clarification when they may not ask during whole group instruction. ---- Ms. Somone Washington
The learning environment must be comfortable for every student. Every student may not be outgoing where he/she will raise their hands, but in a comfortable learning environment they will give different ques. The next step would be to get an understanding of each student’s learning style. Every student learns differently, when teaching a lesson it is effective to adopt every learning style into the lesson. Once you teach the lesson as a whole, than circle back around and work with students in smaller groups. By using these methods, you will make sure you reach every student.
The best way to reach every student in a heterogeneous environment is through differentiated intruction. In D.I. students are taught considering their readiness level,their interests, and their preferred learning methods. Differentiation can be done through content, product, process, and learning environment. Claudia Ocampo
Through the use of differentiated instruction and making sure to include technology, auditory/visual aides, and manipulatives in your lessons. I normally teach the lesson as a whole and then have students breakout into smaller groups that support the different learning styles (ex. Computer center, listening center, etc.). I then reinforce the skill when I meet with the students in small groups. I close the lesson by answering common questions and reviewing the lesson to the whole group. Ivonne Sanchez
All students have different learning styles. Therefore each student should be taught differently. But the best way to reach various students and their learning styles is to find out what kind of background knowledge they have with whatever you are teachng them. And you teach according to what they know.
Carolyn Collins When teaching students of a heterogeneous environment, they should be taught according to what they are familiar with, but to assure that other students are getting the concept of what is being taught.
In my opinion, to reach every student in a heterogeneous environment, the teacher must adapt to his/her students. Since each student may learn differently, they should all be given a fair chance to learn the material (differentiated instruction). Therefore, the teacher must be flexible in order to achieve success.
I think the teacher should initially use a form of assessment to determine the learning style and depth lf knowledge of his/her students. Based on the results, the teacher then should try to provide accommodations for these various forms of learning, and/or depth of knowledge, so that the student can perform at the comfort of his learning level.
The best way to effectively reach every student in our classroom is through differentiated instruction. Data should guide our instruction. Whether it's teacher-made, FAIR, interims, data results will identify strengths and weaknesses. As teachers, we can address learning styles and deficiencies in small DI groups more effectively than whole group thus reaching all students.
To effectively reach each learner in a heterogeneous environment, the teacher must first determine each student areas of weaknesses and strengths through meaningful, precise, and reliable assessments. The Instructor must also know the students’ learning styles and interests. Once, that is established, the facilitator, then, can plan effectively and group “alike” problems or interest for small group instructions. During the delivery of instructions, different techniques should be applied in order to target the visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner in that group. There should be rigorous, challenging tasks for those who are excelling, and remedial activities for those who are struggling. Use spiral review of skills previously taught for all groups in order to ensure retention. Bottom line- A teacher must know his or her pupils in order to meet their individual needs and ensure success in the classroom. Edline Augustin
I try to get a sense early on of the students' learning and communication styles. In a reading classroom, I would then consult scores on high stakes assessments from previous years to see if there are individual trends in student test performance. After looking at all student scores, I would make a preliminary differentiated instruction plan based on particular areas where students show deficiency.
I agree with David, Ifirst conduct an assessment of what the students know. With this data, I beome familiar with each students' strengths and waekness. I then prepare interventions for the weaker skills, on-level and more challenging task for other skilled leveled students. Pamela Robinson
To effectively reach EVERY student in a heterogeneous environment, I address the student's learning style, ESOL Level (I teach ESOL Intensive and Developmental LA), different assessment scores, strengths and weaknesses. DI groups, individual instruction, and whole group instruction are implemented to address the student's learning needs. Maria Santiago-Parreno
Todays classroom is a mixed group of students from very different backgrounds and cultures. We need to assess them in order to get data to break them up into different groups. Then we assign a few projects with different stateties and they are all learning at their level. Efrem Figueredo
I am effective by way of consistently engaging all groups of students in higher-order thinking and by effectively implementing a variety of appropriate instructional strategies and technologies.
You could effectively reach every student in a heterogeneous environment through formal and informal assessment. The data obtained from these assessments can be used as a road map to group individual students based on their instructional needs. The scores can be used to align instruction and address the needs of students on their instructional levels. Audrey Bullock
I totally agree with Zina, the best way to meet every student needs in our classroom is through differentiated instruction. Teachers must completely aware of their student’s data to teach students base on their deficiencies. In addition, teachers must continually monitor students’ progress with different assessments in the classroom. Based on the data teachers must create effective groups in the classroom to reach students based on their weaknesses. Also, teacher must provide an assessment every 20 instructional days to move students out of their current group, based on the student’s new data.
I try to effectively reach every student by using Differentiated Instruction. By using as many diiferent techniques, lesson plans, activities, hands on, dramatic, and anything else I can find or think of to reach every single student of mine. We cannot just use books. We must use computers, music, pictures, movies, plays, games, etc... to reach our students so that no one is left behind. Susan Castleman
Every student in a heterogeneous environment can be reach via differentiated instruction. Differentiated instruction allows the teacher to address individual needs of every student. Classroom activities and assessment should be data driven. In addition,the activities should be on the students'lexile level.Differentiated instruction will allow all students to reach common goals.
I use Differentiated Instruction in my classroom to reach every student. We have to use a variety of methods to reach all you students. You cannot just use books in your classroom. You must also use computers, music, movies, plays, poetry, hands on activities, etc… to reach everyone. Susan Castleman
The only way to teach a heterogenous calss is to access the students' needs and strengths.Help them grow by providing them materials that are at their instructional level. This can be accoumplished by using differentiation strategies such as cubing,learning menus,and assessing prior knowledge. Larry Williams
Students have diverse learning styles and different representative groupings need to be instructed according to these specific learning styles.Some students may benefit from a type of kinesthetic mode,while others may embrace other modalities. The instructional environment must be conducive and adequate in order for learning to occur effectively.
I have a series of steps when I prepare a lesson. First, I assess the data to see what streangths and weaknessess each student has. Based on this assessment, I have an idea how best to approach each individual student. Next I try to group the students so I can give them assignments that address their needs. After a period of time, I will assess the students to see whether they still need improvement in the area of weakness or to move on to another area.
To effectively reach every student in a heterogenous environment, I first assess the students to see what their weaknesses are. This way, I know what I need to focus on and also, how to group the students. I would use techniques such as incorporating technology, using different books and resources to review and enhance the lessons, form small groups, and use one on one instruction if needed. An assessment would follow the lesson to make sure the concepts or skills were mastered.
In order to effectively differentiate instruction in a mixed-ability classroom, the teacher should first know the students' profile, interests, and abilities. That way, the teacher will be able to meet each student's learning needs. Effective differentiated instruction should address each student's needs using current data. If groups are to be formed, they should be fluid and diverse; and instructional delivery should be modified as needed to "fit" learner's profile.
In a classroom that is composed of a heterogeneous students, it is important that the needs of all students are met. First diagnosing what each student needs, then providing complimentary instruction.
In my classroom I really like to have different types of data available to me to use for each student. This allows me to have various groups in my class.
In order to effectively differentiate instruction in a mixed-ability classroom, the teacher should first know the students' profile, interests, and abilities.
The way to deal with a heterogenous classroom population is to incorporate as many teaching styles (visual, auditory, kinetic, etc.) as possible when working on the introduction, and reinforcement of, content curriculum.
First deliver a lesson and scope which student I have reached, asign a class work and as the class goes by I go by each student reteaching the lessson as they need in the way they learn.
All students are capable of learning, nonetheless every child does not learn in the same manner. As teachers we face the challenge of reaching out and becoming aware of our students' way of learning.
A heterogeneous classroom would make for a perfect classroom to implement differentiated instruction because everyone's learning style and ability is different.
Differentiated instruction involves assessing student needs, having knowledge of students learning styles and needs and designing instruction to meet the individual needs of the students in the class setting
I believe that in order to effectively differentiate instruction in a heterogenus environment one must be able to figure out the student's learning style and teach to meet their needs.
Differentiated instruction is when the teacher is able to reach all her/his students by using different modalities in order for the students to learn a skill.
Differentiate instruction in the process in which a teacher tailor-made academic lesson to meet a particular student at his or her instructional level.
DI is the ability you develope when you are able to acknowledge that your students are different, so they have different ways of learning and interacting
All students have different learning styles .As a teacher it is important to keep in mind that student differences become an important element in the way they learn. Students should be taught differently. A good teacher should find out what kind of background knowledge the students bring with them. You start teaching them according to what they know. Students and teachers are both learners, and learning together will make a difference.
Reaching every student in a differentiated environment is definitely attainable. Although it may seem like a tremendous challenge, it could be possible provided one of the factors that have to do with the learning environment is not overlooked. Chapter 4 of Ms. Tomlinson’s book about how to differentiate instruction in a mixed ability classroom, covers the topic in a very down to earth way. Some of the aspects to have into account are as follows. Teacher needs to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels welcomed and contribute to do so with the others. Moreover, mutual respect is not a choice but a fact; which also leads to feeling safe in the classroom atmosphere. Very linked to the safety environment is the prevalent expectation of growth that every learner is entitled to have. There should be also teaching for success; which requires that every learner achieves their goal whether it could seem a little out of reach. There is room for mutual growth and success both for the students and the teacher. Furthermore, in such learning environments the teacher coaches the students to be contributing members of a group. Last but not least, the teacher plans with flexible grouping in mind.
In order to reach all your students in a heterogenous environment it takes a lot of observation, data, and planning. The first step is to identify where each student is at. This can be done through observation or assessments. Next, you need to identify the student's learning style. After that preparation is the key.
This past school year I have found myself using differentiated instruction more despite having some hesitations. I was not initially comfortable with DI but decided to embrace small changes. In doing so, I observed my students before referring to data, and continued observing the students after using data. Also I would ask a few students if they felt comfortable with the changes in learning, such as "How do you like using exit tickets?" Their responses helped me to be flexible and accommodating to some of their needs. This required a lot of preparation which at first was a bit overwhelming but slowly became part of my lesson planning. I believe that I was able to reach more students learning needs by observing, communicating and being accommodating.
Teachers need to develop routines and procedures to attend the students differences within any classroom. Differentiation is similar because all students can experience many working groups and arrangements, and the way the teachers approach the content that is also the same content for all students. How is different is the way how students go making sense of ideas and information providing different ways to lead the students to obtain the same result or product. Effective Differentiated Instruction must be planned ahead of time as well as provide multiple approaches to content, process and product.
Reaching all students in a heterogeneous environment may sound like a hard task but in the end it is not a tough one to accomplish. By observing all students and realizing what makes things click in their minds and what has no effect on them is very important. Being able to understand your students is essential for them to learn what you are trying to teach them. When using a differentiated learning instruction method, it is vital that the teacher allows students to feel comfortable in the teaching environment. Going about a lesson with different approaches and methods requires strategic planning for a desired outcome.
Effectively reaching every child in a heterogeneous classroom starts with an and end goal in mind. It begins with assessment of prior knowledge. Ongoing research based instruction, DI activities and informal assessments that meet each students needs, guide future instruction and assessments. Formal assessments that reflect the goals of the standards being taught as well as how well the students are responding to these goals. Last but not least, daily reflections on how well the end goal was met. If not, then reflective practice on what went wrong, why and how it can be corrected.
I believe that the way to effectively reach EVERY student in a heterogeneous environment is through effective and well designed differentiated instruction geared to meet every student's need via their learning profile. A teacher must know her students and how they learn in order to meet them where they are and move them forward. She must be able to properly manage her students, space, materials, classroom, etc. It is to the best interest of her students that she instructs with the ultimate goal of clarifying concepts based on student's understanding as it relates to their gender and cultural indoctrination. She must find where the learning gap is and close it. Through ongoing classroom, district and self assessments she must know and understand the difference between assigning activities that will develop proficiency vs. sense making activities that will move students to a more complex level of learning. Finally, with every lesson that transforms into a learning experience, she must seek to have every student make the "connection" to their own interest and ultimately real-world. Students have to be able to see how knowing what you teach them will apply to the lives they live. I am convinced that it is all obtainable through the process or well executed differentiated instruction.
In a heterogeneous school district such as MDCPS, there are many opportunities to reach students of many levels due to the enormous amount of diversity which already exists. It's easier to reach students who have been raised in a multiethinic city like Miami.Educators can craft classrooms to accomodate the greater amounts of students are coming with special needs such as attention- deficit and related disorders. Also, greater numbers of second-language learners vary greatly in their degree of home support. It's no longer possible to look as students as " one size fits all". Teaching is a challenge due to the mixed - abilities. By modifying the principles and strategies acquired in COMP 4 , I can address and respond to students' varying levels. It's most important to create a " user Friendly" environment which allows for flexibility. It makes more sense to allow expression of their developing personaliities. I am grateful to have shared insights offered by the other educators during COMP 4 . They also face the same challenges. We truly experienced the DI classroom this past week by working in teams, groups, rotating the centers and sharing all our abilities. I find it's very useful and practical to have frequent common planning sessions w/ other teacher not only from your department but other subjects in order to make connections. Many thanks for the guidance of Ms. Cabrera. I'll always remember the Summer of 2014 and the Karoake sessions!I'll make sure to include this idea at the end of my lessons so we can all end on a " good note" by reinforcing the POSITIVE OUTCOMES. Mil gracias!
To reach every student in a heterogeneous class, it is so important to differentiate your instruction. I usually differentiate by readiness, to target the students needs when it comes to testing. What I've learned is that there other ways to differentiate which are by learning styles and by interest. There are so many positives if you incorporate all three ways of D.I., that I really can't wait for the next school year to incorporate all the strategies and different D.I. I've learned in this class. As we know, not all students learn the same way, and meeting the students at where they are and starting from there is the most effective way of moving those students in the right direction,
Teaching and reaching all students in a heterogeneous environment is a difficult task but not impossible. Students need to be tested beforehand to be able to access their areas of strength and weaknesses. Having ongoing assessments and differentiated instruction will help meet each student’s need. In MDCPS we have access to a wide range of testing like baseline, I-READY Diagnostics, SRI/SPI, etc. to aid in the finding the areas of deficiencies for each individual student. The teacher must cater to his or her student’s needs to be able to fill in the gaps better yet try to fill in the gaps. Today’s classes are full of challenges due to ELA students, SPED and in addition, the mixed levels in one classroom. As a teacher all I can try to do is use my resources, data and information on my students’ to be able to help them fill their learning gap which can be very challenging and at the same time rewarding when our students rise to the challenges and expectations they are being held up to.
In a heterogeneous classroom environment, reaching every students academic level can be quite difficult. It is especially difficult for new teachers or teachers who are not familiar in reaching the various levels of the students. The best way to reach every student is through differentiated instruction. Through the use of data, teachers can group students based on their learning needs and can work in small groups. In the classroom, I modify/accommodate the material and scaffold the instruction to fill the achievement gap from where they currently are to where they need to be at grade level. Using various resources and materials allows me to further develop my instruction and delivery.
I strongly believe that each student has their own distinct style of learning. At the beginning of the school year, I generally administer a learning style survey to my class and I use that information to help guide me in planning the delivery of my lessons. Additionally, I use both informal and formal assessment data to help me determine how to differentiate instruction for my students.
In a heterogeneous classroom you can effectively reach every student by doing Direct Instruction and with appropriate DATA you will be able to understand your student needs for them to learn what you are trying to teach them. Vivian Marzall
In order to effectively reach your students, it is important to first collect data that pinpoints their individual needs. These can come from a variety of formal and informal assessments. This data will serve as a starting point for helping these students. Aside from collecting data and helping these students with their deficiencies, I think it is also crucial to monitor closely whether the interventions, strategies and resources being used to help these students are actually working. Mini checks along the way or some form of tracker can be useful for determining if you are truly meeting the needs of your students. Lastly, I believe that having frequent data chats with students can help them become invested in their own learning and motivate them to track their own progress.
You examine their records and give them preassessments. I would also look at their previous records and then design the lesson plan to meet those needs using different strategies for scaffolding. Dorian vallecillo
Meeting each student at their need and helping them excel in school and ultimately in life, is one of my goals as a teacher. Using Differentiated Instruction in the class is one way to reach a student that is somehow still having difficulty in whole group. Being able to tailor to students in small groups is very effective and allows the student to learn at a comfortable pace. Many students need small groups in order to bridge gaps in their learning. Elda
Maria E Lapido 1-Listening 2-Building confidence 3-Using a variety of resources according to their particular needs 4-Scaffolding 5-Having them correct their mistakes by negotiating some of their grades and assessments. 6-Providing the students feedback
As a teacher, I have to take some steps that guarantee my students will learn what they need to meet curriculum, guidelines and state standards through the Data. That means before I begin a unit of study, I need to know exactly what I expect from them. One idea is using differentiated instruction. For example: what you want students to Know, Understand, and Do. In this case the students know the expectations, and are going to reinforce they are self-steam. I also have to explain them, that everyone learns in different way but it does not mean that is impossible to learn. Another idea is, to focus raising the goals for advance learners to get high expectations. On the other hand, I am working with slow students with positive tasks that affirm their talent to meet their goals. Maria Gonzalez
It is really hard to have a heterogeneous class. For both teachers and students, but I like the challenge to improve the knowledge of every students. You don't know the background of each of them, however you can differentiated the instruction in the classroom with many activities, and at the end it will be great for every student. I know some clues for this situation. First, It is really important to provide an opportunity to participate during the class. Second, we need to have the appropriate activity or assessment for each level group. Finally, the environment as a positive reinforcement, cooperation, and a creative manner are the perfect way to get an effective class.
The concept of Individualized Instruction of the 1970's created a barrier that affected to a very large number of students in America. The teachers were afraid of losing control of the classroom if they practiced it and then, the quality of education dropped significantly. Now, Carol Ann Tomlinson is presenting in her book "How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed Ability Classrooms", that our students need a Proactive instruction, more qualitative than quantitative, which implied proper strategies and accurate assessments based on multiple approaches to content, process, and product. As a new educator, I am convinced that our classrooms must be student centered, instead of teacher centered, because education must be evolving constantly, and we must adapt to new times, full of new technology and resources in order to help our students to learn in a proper way, their way with our guidance. That's a challenge. Now we have the chances to practice the suggested blend of whole-class , group, and individual instruction.
A classroom is our temple of knowledge, but don't take it for granted. It's not just our point of view to make it real and possible. As teachers we need to look at this temple through many eyes in order to find what is being missed and to understand how to fix it, all at the same time. Everything done in a safe and appreciated environment.
Being a teacher is being a giver. We give knowledge, care, and love. We need to be sure that amount is the right one for every single student. Some of them might need a little bit more.
#3. The Role of the Teacher in a Differentiated Classroom. Alfonso A. Pacheco January 28, 2017. The teachers have a decision to make. Just to work as some traditional teachers, using a pacing guide to try to transfer some knowledge or to become a Coach or mentor, or the director of the orchestra, leading the way to organize so many instruments to get the right music. The challenge is seeing and reflecting on individual as well as the group. It’s the application of Differentiated instruction to build the sense of community in the classroom. That’s the role of the teacher that believes in success through D.I. #4. The Learning Environment in a Differentiated Classroom. Alfonso A. Pacheco. January 31, 2017. After reading Chapter 4, there’s one strong word that turns to be the central column of the building of knowledge. This is RESPECT. With respect in your learning environment, you will be safe, secure, comfortable, there will be an ambience of fairness, and a fertile soil for success. With all these tools, the teachers will be able to plan, organize, and create flexible grouping in mind, so there are more possibilities for success for our students.
Much devastating details shared by you, I like the way you share this relevant details, maintaining the transparency of knowledge and I thank you for the same. Keep blogging. English Practice App | English Learning App
Today's classroom is comprised of countless students, all with very diverse learning styles. The teaching methods have undergone extreme change reflective of the makeup of the typical classroom. Teachers need to encounter and engage their students, with a certain ample opportunity to excel and thrive within their learning environment.
ReplyDeleteA teacher can no longer just teach the curriculum. They must attempt to reach every student utilizing a variety of methods and strategies. Not all students are learn equally the same, some thrive through kinesthetic learning, tactile, rote, and multi-sensory approaches. So we must infuse all the above approaches and methods when teaching students.
The classroom should be a place that is comfortable, and where all students feel confident. This will allow all students to potentially be able to appreciate the classroom dynamic, and adapt their learning styles to fit in with the curriculum, and like that every student will learn and be reached.
*Blanca Gonzalez 6/8/12
Small group instruction helps instructors reach the educational needs of each student. This type of differentiated instruction is beneficial because it allows student -specific instruction and it provides an environment where students feel comfortable to ask questions for clarification when they may not ask during whole group instruction. ---- Ms. Somone Washington
ReplyDeleteThe learning environment must be comfortable for every student. Every student may not be outgoing where he/she will raise their hands, but in a comfortable learning environment they will give different ques. The next step would be to get an understanding of each student’s learning style. Every student learns differently, when teaching a lesson it is effective to adopt every learning style into the lesson. Once you teach the lesson as a whole, than circle back around and work with students in smaller groups. By using these methods, you will make sure you reach every student.
ReplyDeleteMerrissa Bailey
The best way to reach every student in a heterogeneous environment is through differentiated intruction. In D.I. students are taught considering their readiness level,their interests, and their preferred learning methods. Differentiation can be done through content, product, process, and learning environment.
ReplyDeleteClaudia Ocampo
Through the use of differentiated instruction and making sure to include technology, auditory/visual aides, and manipulatives in your lessons. I normally teach the lesson as a whole and then have students breakout into smaller groups that support the different learning styles (ex. Computer center, listening center, etc.). I then reinforce the skill when I meet with the students in small groups. I close the lesson by answering common questions and reviewing the lesson to the whole group.
ReplyDeleteIvonne Sanchez
All students have different learning styles. Therefore each student should be taught differently. But the best way to reach various students and their learning styles is to find out what kind of background knowledge they have with whatever you are teachng them. And you teach according to what they know.
ReplyDeleteCarolyn Collins
DeleteWhen teaching students of a heterogeneous environment, they should be taught according to what they are familiar with, but to assure that other students are getting the concept of what is being taught.
In my opinion, to reach every student in a heterogeneous environment, the teacher must adapt to his/her students. Since each student may learn differently, they should all be given a fair chance to learn the material (differentiated instruction). Therefore, the teacher must be flexible in order to achieve success.
ReplyDelete-Jessica Collado
I think the teacher should initially use a form of assessment to determine the learning style and depth lf knowledge of his/her students. Based on the results, the teacher then should try to provide accommodations for these various forms of learning, and/or depth of knowledge, so that the student can perform at the comfort of his learning level.
ReplyDelete- Michel Estopinan
The best way to effectively reach every student in our classroom is through differentiated instruction. Data should guide our instruction. Whether it's teacher-made, FAIR, interims, data results will identify strengths and weaknesses. As teachers, we can address learning styles and deficiencies in small DI groups more effectively than whole group thus reaching all students.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all your posts!! I'm looking forward to a great week together.
ReplyDeleteTo effectively reach each learner in a heterogeneous environment, the teacher must first determine each student areas of weaknesses and strengths through meaningful, precise, and reliable assessments. The Instructor must also know the students’ learning styles and interests. Once, that is established, the facilitator, then, can plan effectively and group “alike” problems or interest for small group instructions. During the delivery of instructions, different techniques should be applied in order to target the visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner in that group. There should be rigorous, challenging tasks for those who are excelling, and remedial activities for those who are struggling. Use spiral review of skills previously taught for all groups in order to ensure retention. Bottom line- A teacher must know his or her pupils in order to meet their individual needs and ensure success in the classroom. Edline Augustin
ReplyDeleteI try to get a sense early on of the students' learning and communication styles. In a reading classroom, I would then consult scores on high stakes assessments from previous years to see if there are individual trends in student test performance. After looking at all student scores, I would make a preliminary differentiated instruction plan based on particular areas where students show deficiency.
ReplyDeleteI agree with David, Ifirst conduct an assessment of what the students know. With this data, I beome familiar with each students' strengths and waekness. I then prepare interventions for the weaker skills, on-level and more challenging task for other skilled leveled students. Pamela Robinson
DeleteTo effectively reach EVERY student in a heterogeneous environment, I address the student's learning style, ESOL Level (I teach ESOL Intensive and Developmental LA), different assessment scores, strengths and weaknesses. DI groups, individual instruction, and whole group instruction are implemented to address the student's learning needs. Maria Santiago-Parreno
ReplyDeleteTodays classroom is a mixed group of students from very different backgrounds and cultures. We need to assess them in order to get data to break them up into different groups. Then we assign a few projects with different stateties and they are all learning at their level. Efrem Figueredo
ReplyDeleteI am effective by way of consistently engaging all groups of students in higher-order thinking and by effectively implementing a variety of appropriate instructional strategies and technologies.
ReplyDeleteYou could effectively reach every student in a heterogeneous environment through formal and informal assessment. The data obtained from these assessments can be used as a road map to group individual students based on their instructional needs. The scores can be used to align instruction and address the needs of students on their instructional levels.
ReplyDeleteAudrey Bullock
I totally agree with Zina, the best way to meet every student needs in our classroom is through differentiated instruction. Teachers must completely aware of their student’s data to teach students base on their deficiencies. In addition, teachers must continually monitor students’ progress with different assessments in the classroom. Based on the data teachers must create effective groups in the classroom to reach students based on their weaknesses. Also, teacher must provide an assessment every 20 instructional days to move students out of their current group, based on the student’s new data.
ReplyDeleteI try to effectively reach every student by using Differentiated Instruction. By using as many diiferent techniques, lesson plans, activities, hands on, dramatic, and anything else I can find or think of to reach every single student of mine. We cannot just use books. We must use computers, music, pictures, movies, plays, games, etc... to reach our students so that no one is left behind.
ReplyDeleteSusan Castleman
Every student in a heterogeneous environment can be reach via differentiated instruction. Differentiated instruction allows the teacher to address individual needs of every student. Classroom activities and assessment should be data driven. In addition,the activities should be on the students'lexile level.Differentiated instruction will allow all students to reach common goals.
ReplyDeletePatreece Perry-Pelt
I use Differentiated Instruction in my classroom to reach every student. We have to use a variety of methods to reach all you students. You cannot just use books in your classroom. You must also use computers, music, movies, plays, poetry, hands on activities, etc… to reach everyone.
ReplyDeleteSusan Castleman
The only way to teach a heterogenous calss is to access the students' needs and strengths.Help them grow by providing them materials that are at their instructional level. This can be accoumplished by using differentiation strategies such as cubing,learning menus,and assessing prior knowledge. Larry Williams
ReplyDeleteStudents have diverse learning styles and different representative groupings need to be instructed according to these specific learning styles.Some students may benefit from a type of kinesthetic mode,while others may embrace other modalities. The instructional environment must be conducive and adequate in order for learning to occur effectively.
ReplyDeleteBarbara Harris
I have a series of steps when I prepare a lesson. First, I assess the data to see what streangths and weaknessess each student has. Based on this assessment, I have an idea how best to approach each individual student. Next I try to group the students so I can give them assignments that address their needs. After a period of time, I will assess the students to see whether they still need improvement in the area of weakness or to move on to another area.
ReplyDeleteJack Sague
To effectively reach every student in a heterogenous environment, I first assess the students to see what their weaknesses are. This way, I know what I need to focus on and also, how to group the students. I would use techniques such as incorporating technology, using different books and resources to review and enhance the lessons, form small groups, and use one on one instruction if needed. An assessment would follow the lesson to make sure the concepts or skills were mastered.
ReplyDeleteIn order to effectively differentiate instruction in a mixed-ability classroom, the teacher should first know the students' profile, interests, and abilities. That way, the teacher will be able to meet each student's learning needs. Effective differentiated instruction should address each student's needs using current data. If groups are to be formed, they should be fluid and diverse; and instructional delivery should be modified as needed to "fit" learner's profile.
ReplyDeleteIn a classroom that is composed of a heterogeneous students, it is important that the needs of all students are met. First diagnosing what each student needs, then providing complimentary instruction.
ReplyDeleteIn my classroom I really like to have different types of data available to me to use for each student. This allows me to have various groups in my class.
ReplyDeleteAt the beginning of the school year I use the data from the baseline to create small groups.
ReplyDeleteIn order to effectively differentiate instruction in a mixed-ability classroom, the teacher should first know the students' profile, interests, and abilities.
ReplyDeleteIn order to reach all learners a teacher must identify their strengths, weaknesses, interests and learning needs.
ReplyDeleteThe way to deal with a heterogenous classroom population is to incorporate as many teaching styles (visual, auditory, kinetic, etc.) as possible when working on the introduction, and reinforcement of, content curriculum.
ReplyDeleteIn order to reach each student, teachers must get to know their student's learning needs.
ReplyDeleteFirst deliver a lesson and scope which student I have reached, asign a class work and as the class goes by I go by each student reteaching the lessson as they need in the way they learn.
ReplyDeleteAll students are capable of learning, nonetheless every child does not learn in the same manner. As teachers we face the challenge of reaching out and becoming aware of our students' way of learning.
ReplyDeleteA heterogeneous classroom would make for a perfect classroom to implement differentiated instruction because everyone's learning style and ability is different.
ReplyDeleteDifferentiated instruction involves assessing student needs, having knowledge of students learning styles and needs and designing instruction to meet the individual needs of the students in the class setting
ReplyDeleteI do my best to teach to students' learning style and ability.
ReplyDeleteDealing with the learning needs of the students therefore allowing them to access education in different ways.
ReplyDeleteStudents all learn in different ways. You need to know students and what motivates them to learn.
ReplyDeleteI believe that in order to effectively differentiate instruction in a heterogenus environment one must be able to figure out the student's learning style and teach to meet their needs.
ReplyDeleteDifferentiated instruction is when the teacher is able to reach all her/his students by using different modalities in order for the students to learn a skill.
ReplyDeleteDifferentiate instruction in the process in which a teacher tailor-made academic lesson to meet a particular student at his or her instructional level.
ReplyDeleteDI is the ability you develope when you are able to acknowledge that your students are different, so they have different ways of learning and interacting
ReplyDeleteI don't know. Hopefully I will learn it in this class.
ReplyDeleteAll students have different learning styles .As a teacher it is important to keep in mind that student differences become an important element in the way they learn. Students should be taught differently. A good teacher should find out what kind of background knowledge the students bring with them. You start teaching them according to what they know. Students and teachers are both learners, and learning together will make a difference.
ReplyDeleteReaching every student in a differentiated environment is definitely attainable. Although it may seem like a tremendous challenge, it could be possible provided one of the factors that have to do with the learning environment is not overlooked. Chapter 4 of Ms. Tomlinson’s book about how to differentiate instruction in a mixed ability classroom, covers the topic in a very down to earth way. Some of the aspects to have into account are as follows. Teacher needs to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels welcomed and contribute to do so with the others. Moreover, mutual respect is not a choice but a fact; which also leads to feeling safe in the classroom atmosphere. Very linked to the safety environment is the prevalent expectation of growth that every learner is entitled to have. There should be also teaching for success; which requires that every learner achieves their goal whether it could seem a little out of reach. There is room for mutual growth and success both for the students and the teacher. Furthermore, in such learning environments the teacher coaches the students to be contributing members of a group. Last but not least, the teacher plans with flexible grouping in mind.
ReplyDeleteIn order to reach all your students in a heterogenous environment it takes a lot of observation, data, and planning. The first step is to identify where each student is at. This can be done through observation or assessments. Next, you need to identify the student's learning style. After that preparation is the key.
ReplyDeleteThis past school year I have found myself using differentiated instruction more despite having some hesitations. I was not initially comfortable with DI but decided to embrace small changes. In doing so, I observed my students before referring to data, and continued observing the students after using data. Also I would ask a few students if they felt comfortable with the changes in learning, such as "How do you like using exit tickets?" Their responses helped me to be flexible and accommodating to some of their needs. This required a lot of preparation which at first was a bit overwhelming but slowly became part of my lesson planning. I believe that I was able to reach more students learning needs by observing, communicating and being accommodating.
ReplyDeleteTeachers need to develop routines and procedures to attend the students differences within any classroom. Differentiation is similar because all students can experience many working groups and arrangements, and the way the teachers approach the content that is also the same content for all students. How is different is the way how students go making sense of ideas and information providing different ways to lead the students to obtain the same result or product. Effective Differentiated Instruction must be planned ahead of time as well as provide multiple approaches to content, process and product.
ReplyDeleteReaching all students in a heterogeneous environment may sound like a hard task but in the end it is not a tough one to accomplish. By observing all students and realizing what makes things click in their minds and what has no effect on them is very important. Being able to understand your students is essential for them to learn what you are trying to teach them. When using a differentiated learning instruction method, it is vital that the teacher allows students to feel comfortable in the teaching environment. Going about a lesson with different approaches and methods requires strategic planning for a desired outcome.
ReplyDeleteEffectively reaching every child in a heterogeneous classroom starts with an and end goal in mind. It begins with assessment of prior knowledge. Ongoing research based instruction, DI activities and informal assessments that meet each students needs, guide future instruction and assessments. Formal assessments that reflect the goals of the standards being taught as well as how well the students are responding to these goals. Last but not least, daily reflections on how well the end goal was met. If not, then reflective practice on what went wrong, why and how it can be corrected.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the way to effectively reach EVERY student in a heterogeneous environment is through effective and well designed differentiated instruction geared to meet every student's need via their learning profile. A teacher must know her students and how they learn in order to meet them where they are and move them forward. She must be able to properly manage her students, space, materials, classroom, etc. It is to the best interest of her students that she instructs with the ultimate goal of clarifying concepts based on student's understanding as it relates to their gender and cultural indoctrination. She must find where the learning gap is and close it. Through ongoing classroom, district and self assessments she must know and understand the difference between assigning activities that will develop proficiency vs. sense making activities that will move students to a more complex level of learning. Finally, with every lesson that transforms into a learning experience, she must seek to have every student make the "connection" to their own interest and ultimately real-world. Students have to be able to see how knowing what you teach them will apply to the lives they live. I am convinced that it is all obtainable through the process or well executed differentiated instruction.
ReplyDeleteIn a heterogeneous school district such as MDCPS, there are many opportunities to reach students of many levels due to the enormous amount of diversity which already exists. It's easier to reach students who have been raised in a multiethinic city like Miami.Educators can craft classrooms to accomodate the greater amounts of students are coming with special needs such as attention- deficit and related disorders. Also, greater numbers of second-language learners vary greatly in their degree of home support. It's no longer possible to look as students as " one size fits all". Teaching is a challenge due to the mixed - abilities. By modifying the principles and strategies acquired in COMP 4 , I can address and respond to students' varying levels. It's most important to create a " user Friendly" environment which allows for flexibility. It makes more sense to allow expression of their developing personaliities. I am grateful to have shared insights offered by the other educators during COMP 4 . They also face the same challenges. We truly experienced the DI classroom this past week by working in teams, groups, rotating the centers and sharing all our abilities. I find it's very useful and practical to have frequent common planning sessions w/ other teacher not only from your department but other subjects in order to make connections.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for the guidance of Ms. Cabrera.
I'll always remember the Summer of 2014 and the Karoake sessions!I'll make sure to include this idea at the end of my lessons so we can all end on a " good note" by reinforcing the POSITIVE OUTCOMES.
Mil gracias!
To reach every student in a heterogeneous class, it is so important to differentiate your instruction. I usually differentiate by readiness, to target the students needs when it comes to testing. What I've learned is that there other ways to differentiate which are by learning styles and by interest. There are so many positives if you incorporate all three ways of D.I., that I really can't wait for the next school year to incorporate all the strategies and different D.I. I've learned in this class. As we know, not all students learn the same way, and meeting the students at where they are and starting from there is the most effective way of moving those students in the right direction,
ReplyDeleteTeaching and reaching all students in a heterogeneous environment is a difficult task but not impossible. Students need to be tested beforehand to be able to access their areas of strength and weaknesses. Having ongoing assessments and differentiated instruction will help meet each student’s need. In MDCPS we have access to a wide range of testing like baseline, I-READY Diagnostics, SRI/SPI, etc. to aid in the finding the areas of deficiencies for each individual student. The teacher must cater to his or her student’s needs to be able to fill in the gaps better yet try to fill in the gaps. Today’s classes are full of challenges due to ELA students, SPED and in addition, the mixed levels in one classroom. As a teacher all I can try to do is use my resources, data and information on my students’ to be able to help them fill their learning gap which can be very challenging and at the same time rewarding when our students rise to the challenges and expectations they are being held up to.
ReplyDeleteIn a heterogeneous classroom environment, reaching every students academic level can be quite difficult. It is especially difficult for new teachers or teachers who are not familiar in reaching the various levels of the students. The best way to reach every student is through differentiated instruction. Through the use of data, teachers can group students based on their learning needs and can work in small groups. In the classroom, I modify/accommodate the material and scaffold the instruction to fill the achievement gap from where they currently are to where they need to be at grade level. Using various resources and materials allows me to further develop my instruction and delivery.
ReplyDeleteKristine Garces
I strongly believe that each student has their own distinct style of learning. At the beginning of the school year, I generally administer a learning style survey to my class and I use that information to help guide me in planning the delivery of my lessons. Additionally, I use both informal and formal assessment data to help me determine how to differentiate instruction for my students.
ReplyDeleteIn a heterogeneous classroom you can effectively reach every student by doing Direct Instruction and with appropriate DATA you will be able to understand your student needs for them to learn what you are trying to teach them.
ReplyDeleteVivian Marzall
In order to effectively reach your students, it is important to first collect data that pinpoints their individual needs. These can come from a variety of formal and informal assessments. This data will serve as a starting point for helping these students. Aside from collecting data and helping these students with their deficiencies, I think it is also crucial to monitor closely whether the interventions, strategies and resources being used to help these students are actually working. Mini checks along the way or some form of tracker can be useful for determining if you are truly meeting the needs of your students. Lastly, I believe that having frequent data chats with students can help them become invested in their own learning and motivate them to track their own progress.
ReplyDeleteYou examine their records and give them preassessments. I would also look at their previous records and then design the lesson plan to meet those needs using different strategies for scaffolding. Dorian vallecillo
ReplyDeleteMeeting each student at their need and helping them excel in school and ultimately in life, is one of my goals as a teacher. Using Differentiated Instruction in the class is one way to reach a student that is somehow still having difficulty in whole group. Being able to tailor to students in small groups is very effective and allows the student to learn at a comfortable pace. Many students need small groups in order to bridge gaps in their learning.
Maria E Lapido
2-Building confidence
3-Using a variety of resources according to their particular needs
5-Having them correct their mistakes by negotiating some of their grades and assessments.
6-Providing the students feedback
Study the student's data in order to be able to plan accordingly and address each student's individual needs.
ReplyDelete-Erica Galeano
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ReplyDeleteAs a teacher, I have to take some steps that guarantee my students will learn what they need to meet curriculum, guidelines and state standards through the Data. That means before I begin a unit of study, I need to know exactly what I expect from them. One idea is using differentiated instruction. For example: what you want students to Know, Understand, and Do. In this case the students know the expectations, and are going to reinforce they are self-steam. I also have to explain them, that everyone learns in different way but it does not mean that is impossible to learn. Another idea is, to focus raising the goals for advance learners to get high expectations. On the other hand, I am working with slow students with positive tasks that affirm their talent to meet their goals.
ReplyDeleteMaria Gonzalez
It is really hard to have a heterogeneous class. For both teachers and students, but I like the challenge to improve the knowledge of every students. You don't know the background of each of them, however you can differentiated the instruction in the classroom with many activities, and at the end it will be great for every student. I know some clues for this situation. First, It is really important to provide an opportunity to participate during the class. Second, we need to have the appropriate activity or assessment for each level group. Finally, the environment as a positive reinforcement, cooperation, and a creative manner are the perfect way to get an effective class.
ReplyDeleteMaria Gonzalez
DeleteThe concept of Individualized Instruction of the 1970's created a barrier that affected to a very large number of students in America. The teachers were afraid of losing control of the classroom if they practiced it and then, the quality of education dropped significantly. Now, Carol Ann Tomlinson is presenting in her book "How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed Ability Classrooms", that our students need a Proactive instruction, more qualitative than quantitative, which implied proper strategies and accurate assessments based on multiple approaches to content, process, and product.
ReplyDeleteAs a new educator, I am convinced that our classrooms must be student centered, instead of teacher centered, because education must be evolving constantly, and we must adapt to new times, full of new technology and resources in order to help our students to learn in a proper way, their way with our guidance.
That's a challenge. Now we have the chances to practice the suggested blend of whole-class , group, and individual instruction.
A classroom is our temple of knowledge, but don't take it for granted. It's not just our point of view to make it real and possible. As teachers we need to look at this temple through many eyes in order to find what is being missed and to understand how to fix it, all at the same time. Everything done in a safe and appreciated environment.
ReplyDeleteBeing a teacher is being a giver. We give knowledge, care, and love. We need to be sure that amount is the right one for every single student. Some of them might need a little bit more.
ReplyDelete#3. The Role of the Teacher in a Differentiated Classroom.
ReplyDeleteAlfonso A. Pacheco January 28, 2017.
The teachers have a decision to make. Just to work as some traditional teachers, using a pacing guide to try to transfer some knowledge or to become a Coach or mentor, or the director of the orchestra, leading the way to organize so many instruments to get the right music. The challenge is seeing and reflecting on individual as well as the group. It’s the application of Differentiated instruction to build the sense of community in the classroom. That’s the role of the teacher that believes in success through D.I.
#4. The Learning Environment in a Differentiated Classroom.
Alfonso A. Pacheco. January 31, 2017.
After reading Chapter 4, there’s one strong word that turns to be the central column of the building of knowledge. This is RESPECT. With respect in your learning environment, you will be safe, secure, comfortable, there will be an ambience of fairness, and a fertile soil for success.
With all these tools, the teachers will be able to plan, organize, and create flexible grouping in mind, so there are more possibilities for success for our students.
Much devastating details shared by you, I like the way you share this relevant details, maintaining the transparency of knowledge and I thank you for the same. Keep blogging.
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